What is KAHA Training & Mind Coaching?


means stay strong in the native Maori language. Not just strong in a physical sense but also in a mental sense. There are loads of stories and lessons that we have forgotten along the way and take for granted nowadays.

We workout in the gym and create a beautiful body and try to get things out of our mind.

  • But are we actually creating a beautiful body or just a nice physique?

  • Do clear our mind off things or pusher unwanted thoughts away in a corner far from our conscious mind and encounter the same problem the next day. 

With Kia KAHA coaching I want you to deal with these problems. Find something that has always been inside of you. It’s okay to self reflect while working on yourself in a physical way.

Become a master of your fate which, means that It is, you who determines what your future will bring by the way l see life and prepare yourself to face its realities. It puts you in the driving seat of your life.

I am the captain of my soul means that I have the power to choose the mood I will be in. Don’t give others the power to make you a slave of your own mind.

Your mind becomes clear during KAHA training.

Now use this to step outside of your bubble and lose your ego. 

Try to reflect on your day and what you could have done or said differently in a situation or person after a good training session. See it as an active meditation. Do some inner engineering, invest in yourself and build a KAHA mindset. 


  1. Do you have a good balance in life or are you forgetting the physical side of it?

  2. Is your body functional or just a nice aesthetic physique?

  3. Do you have enough mobility and a good posture or constant neck/back pain?

  4. What about your conditioning or you can’t make a 50-meter sprint when you need to?

  5. Are you working out because you want to or out of stress relieve/anger?

More importantly what if you find yourself in a situation of survival and don’t know how to protect your own family. Can you handle the situation mentally? 

Would you feel better knowing you have at least a know-how if it comes to Physical & Mental toughness capabilities to make your way out of a situation?

This is what I do with KAHA Coaching. 

We will work out hard and I will also share the lessons I learned during my travels to India, New Zealand and worked with the BNZ Crusaders to create on a stronger physique and mindset. 



What Is The KAHA Mindset?